
Family Involvement Information

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Parental Complaint Procedure:  Every attempt should be made to solve problems at the most immediate level of concern, i.e., by the persons most directly involved in the problem.  If this contact is made in a fair minded manner, the majority of complaints should be resolved satisfactorily at this level.  If, after consultation with the individual teacher, parents feel the issue has not been settled, they should consult with the principal.  If the Principal does not resolve the issue, the parents should consult with the Pastor. 

Parent-­Teacher Conferences and Communication:  Teachers are available for  conferences before and after school by appointment during the school year.  There is a required parent-­teacher conference held in the fall of each school year.  Mid-­quarter reports  and report cards are sent home for all grades.  In addition, teachers will communicate with emails, phone calls and notes home as needed throughout the school year.

If you have a question at any time, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher before or after school or by calling (618) 942-4484, via email on Option C, or by sending a note with your child.  Interruptions are not allowed during class time. 

    © Our Lady of Mount Carmel School  2023- 2024